Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Michael Connection

Michael Jackson was a intricate part of our household growing up like most people. However, in my house he was the "family business." This was because my cousin was a Michael Jackson look-a-like back in the early 80's. He walked like him, talked like him, and dressed like him. He wore the glove and rode in limos to gigs.

I remember watching him for hours mastering the new steps that Micheal revealed during Motown 25, like the moonwalk. I attended show after show after show where he performed. Girls really thought that he was MJ and would chase him and try to pull him off the stage. There were times when I even felt the adrenaline and joined in on the fan frenzy antics.

So growing up I felt that I really "had Michael" as Maya Angelou put it. I feel the nullifying sadness of his departure. But his energy is still strong on this earth because he transformed that energy to others through his lyrics, images, and human connections. You see, I know this because the first law of physics states that "Energy cannot be created or destroyed, just transformed." Thus, he has left indelible imprints on the minds of the people and became a part of us.

Some say there will never be "another" however, I beg to differ. I hope there is "another" because we as humans have not even tapped into the true power of our great minds and talents. Michael Jackson demonstrated the genius that we all have somewhere. He was just able to tap into it sooner. But to say that there will never be another defeats the purpose of life. To say that that we will never see another Michael renders the world hopeless and there will be nothing to look forward to.

So I disagree. There will be another MJ, another MLK, another Obama, another Beethoven, etc. You get my drift. Of course, they will not have the same body, mind, or even name. But they will demonstrate the same greatness. The same genius and make similar human connections who will transform the hearts of millions. They may even comeback as the incarnate of themselves. Who knows?

As for me, I'm inspired to find my own genius and make connections that will be felt around the world. I guarantee I won't be dancing though.

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  1. Do you remember meeting LaToya Jackson at Carmichael Park? I thought that she was the skinnest people I had ever seen. I kept wondering how she got into those skinney straight legged black jeans. Amazing! I wished we could have met MJ in person. I always will remember him as the greatest entertainer in the world. "The King of Pop is dead". Long live the King's music.

  2. I faintly remember meeting LaToya. MJs loss is still so unbelievable and unexpected.
